
We are currently collecting :

$25 Walmart and Target Gift Cards.

Toiletries and beauty items.

Socks, slippers and washcloths.

Hats, Gloves and Scarves.

Some of our CURRENT projects…

Our signature project is the Live Your Dream Award. Every year we give out Live your Dream award Grants to women who are going to school to help improve the lives of her and her family.

We support A Woman’s Place by providing entrance bags to each woman and her family when they arrive.  These bags include towels, toiletries and some personal care items for the women.  Frequently, when a woman flees a domestic violence situation, she leaves all her possessions behind.  We help her with her new start.  Also, mothers tend to focus on their children at these times, so we provide a few items just to remind her that she is important and to take care of herself, while taking care of her children.

Every year we work with Project Synergy to make sure the homeless young women of Bucks County all get Christmas presents. We fill our gift bags with both necessities for life on the streets as well as fun items, to let these young women know that they have not been forgotten.


In order to accomplish this goal, our organization administers several programs.

Our major project throughout our federation, Soroptimist International of the Americas, of 21 countries and territories is the  Soroptimist LIVE YOUR DREAM EDUCATION AND TRAINING AWARD (formerly the Women’s Opportunity Awards) , which assist women by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, and job prospects.

 dream it * be it


A mentoring program that targets girls in secondary school (high school) who face obstacles to their future success. It provides girls with access to professional role models, career education and the resources to live their dream.



partnering with…


A Woman’s Place envisions a society where all individuals are safe in their relationships and can flourish.

A Woman’s Place is a community-based social change organization committed to the empowerment of women and to ending intimate and domestic violence for all.